I was realizing yesterday that skiing is literally the one and only place where I am TOTALLY fearless. And running is one of the places I am most afraid. I literally flew straight down the mountain, over and over. It was SO unlike me.
I woke up yesterday morning all packed and ready for my day trip with my brother, and the first thing I did was take my temperature. I didn't do that to figure out of I should go or not; I KNEW I was going under any circumstances. I took it out of curiosity. Sure, I had a very slightly raised temp (99.1), but it wasn't enough to keep me from going. My asthma was nagging. My shins were taped to be sure I wouldn't aggravate my shin splints. I was ready to go. Fearless.
I realized today that I come up with a lot of excuses why I can't or shouldn't run on any given day. Weird, I know...because I talk about how much I love running. I do love running...but it scares me. How do I bring the fearlessness I feel when skiing to my running? How do I channel that inner confidence that I am good at running, and that I will be successful, like I felt flying down that mountain?
I had absolutely NO fears yesterday of getting hurt. I knew I'd be fine. I want that fearlessness to spread through my life, in every area: running, work, relationships...life.