Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Now, I realize this is my blog about my adventures with running. But I'm going to go off on a slight tangent with this one.

I was realizing yesterday that skiing is literally the one and only place where I am TOTALLY fearless. And running is one of the places I am most afraid. I literally flew straight down the mountain, over and over. It was SO unlike me.

I woke up yesterday morning all packed and ready for my day trip with my brother, and the first thing I did was take my temperature. I didn't do that to figure out of I should go or not; I KNEW I was going under any circumstances. I took it out of curiosity. Sure, I had a very slightly raised temp (99.1), but it wasn't enough to keep me from going. My asthma was nagging. My shins were taped to be sure I wouldn't aggravate my shin splints. I was ready to go. Fearless.

I realized today that I come up with a lot of excuses why I can't or shouldn't run on any given day. Weird, I know...because I talk about how much I love running. I do love running...but it scares me. How do I bring the fearlessness I feel when skiing to my running? How do I channel that inner confidence that I am good at running, and that I will be successful, like I felt flying down that mountain?

I had absolutely NO fears yesterday of getting hurt. I knew I'd be fine. I want that fearlessness to spread through my life, in every area: running, work,

Monday, February 21, 2011

3 and a half miles! Woo hoo!

What a relief! Ran 3.5 miles around the neighborhood today (helloooo concrete!) and my shins feel great. Now I just need to remember to not overdo it...ease back into running!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I really enjoy giving myself challenges, especially giving up something I really enjoy. Usually these challenges are related to foods I eat that I shouldn't be eating. In August of 2010 I gave up caffeine and soda. I was very successful at doing this; after going to Starbucks every day and getting a grade soy chai, I didn't think I'd be able to do it. I realized I had been spending $3.90 per day (5 days)...equalling $19.50 a week. That was way too much! Also, a grande soy chai from Starbucks has approximately 230 calories...the amount I'm now eating for my WHOLE breakfast. At the time, this was on top of what I was eating in the morning.

I still don't drink coffee or soda regularly. Occasionally I indulge in a Sprite, but not more than once a month or so. I've decided on my newest challenge: french fries. I am a french fry addict. If they're there, I eat them. And I eat LOTS of them. They're my kryptonite. I realized today that eating french fries isn't going to give my body the fuel it needs in order to have a successful run. Every single time I eat french fries I get disappointed in myself; I feel like I've failed my body. I don't want this feeling anymore. So, starting tomorrow, I will no longer be eating french fries. For anyone that knows me well, you know this is a big deal for me. I've debated giving up french fries since I started dieting in August of 2009...I'd say a year and a half later, it's time.

I need to keep in mind that if I want to be a good runner, I need to be sure I'm giving my body the fuel it needs to keep going. French fries are NOT one of those foods. I have a list of things I want to eliminate from my diet, but we're starting with one thing at a time. Here goes nothing!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The right shoes can make a huge difference!

Yesterday my super star trainer told me about how he took his wife to Running Revolution in Campbell, CA to get fitted for new running shoes. After having the dreaded bluish toenails from my last half marathon, I decided it might be a good idea to check it out. The shoes I've been running in aren't all that comfortable. I thought that running shoes were supposed to be snug so that they kept feet stable. Apparently, that's exactly what they're NOT supposed to be.

I went and got fitted yesterday, and the salesman actually put me in a pair of shoes that are a size and a half larger than my normal shoe size! He had me stand on this sensor that showed where I distribute my weight when standing. I then had to walk up and down the store so that he could see how my feet move when I walk. It was a very thorough process! I tried on 4 different pairs of shoes, and had to run with them on outside the store to see how they felt.

The salesman told me that the right shoe feels like you don't even have it on. He also encouraged me to buy a pair of shoes that was LESS expensive than the other pairs. From "Price is definitely a factor here. That old saying "you get what you pay for" holds true for running shoes as well, and you should steer clear of absurdly cheap brands. However, you don’t need to spend an absolute fortune either to get good running shoes that are right for your body. A realistic figure could be anywhere between $50 and $200."

Let me tell you...these new shoes are like a new world. I ran two miles on a track in them this morning, and I could have told you I was wearing only socks. I have NO pain in my shins, and my toes don't hurt at all! Goodbye, blue toenails!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

First Run....A Success!!

First run after a week off with shin splints....done! It was definitely a success. First, I'll say I have the best trainer ever. Casey met me and a couple others at the Campbell Community Center track with a workout in hand. Ran a total of about 5 miles at a relatively slow pace, and my taped-up shins managed to hold up. Hopefully this progress continues! You'll be proud to know that I even upgraded to a REAL CVS ice pack (I've been using a bag of Trader Joe's brand frozen corn for 3 weeks)!

I have to attribute a lot of my progress to this video...I've been taping my shin with KT tape for a week now, and it has really helped! Check it out!

The Background

I've never been a blogger, but I think my adventures with running are pretty I thought I'd find somewhere to share them. Here's a little background that will help with reading future posts on this blog:
1. I ran my first mile (EVER) in January of 2010, ran a handful of 5ks and other races, and completed 2010 with a Half Marathon in Las Vegas. Over the course of the year, I learned more about myself than I ever thought I would.
2.Running had always been something that I couldn't do. My asthma was a big problem, but so was my mind. I had always told myself that I couldn't run, so obviously, I couldn't.
3. Now, I love running. It is my vice; when I'm having a rough day, I go for a run. In that hour of running, I forget absolutely everything. I focus on my breathing, my pace, and how far I've gone. By the time I get home, I feel amazing. The sense of accomplishment takes over and makes every other part of my day feel like it never happened.
4. I now have my first running injury: posterior shin splints in my left leg. It SUCKS so bad! I've taken about two weeks off, and am going to attempt a short, slow run on an all-weather track with a group of people I'm supposed to run a half marathon with in April. We're running at 10am. Wish me luck!