Thursday, May 26, 2011

She's baaaaaackkk!

I got the go-ahead to ease back in to running from the physical therapist today. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am. But that being said, I'm going to EASE back in. Getting re-injured is not an option.

For now, I can run on the treadmill, and then move to an all-weather track. She said that I can't run any inclines or hills for now. We'll see how this goes!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Boot Free!

Well, I've been boot-free for a couple weeks now, and my leg is feeling pretty great. Had a minor setback because I went for a short one-mile run (I was desperate...that's another story.), but it's feeling pretty good now.

The best part is that I'm almost back to my workouts 100%. I've been a little more brave with what I try to do, and just stop if it hurts, but most things have been okay. I really want to get back to running, but after that one miler hurt the way it did, I know I'm not ready.

Soon enough!

Monday, May 9, 2011


My patience is dwindling. I should be done with the boot by now. We're 7 weeks in!

Emailed my orthopedist tonight...we'll see what he says.